My Goal as Constable for the 1st District, Scott County Kentucky, is to represent the County and Court with the utmost professionalism while providing successful service for the Citizens and Clients of this office. Thank you Scott County for allowing me to serve since 2010.
Compare My Service Rate
Take a moment and compare my success rates, and time frames, vs. your what you currently have as well as considering the additional costs created by re-filings due to poor success of you current agent.
Compare My Experience
20 years of Civil Service including leading my drive for success.
Compare my Fees
Our fees are 45.00 dollars for all papers. It is as simple as putting my name on the documents in place of the Sherriff and the Scott Co. Clerks will place in my box for daily pick up.
Compare my Dedication
Our in house “skip tracing” improves success by an average of 18%. I am more than willing to work with the older return papers in an effort to earn the trust and respect needed, and hopefully simplify your process for successful service.
Compare my Opportunities
One of the great services provided besides a high process rate, is real time “on-line tracking” of papers with instant automated e-mail notice of service from the field at the actual time of service. Your paralegal will never have to call on a paper again.
Ian C. Beattie,
Scott County Constable
First District